Benefits of Vitamin K For Human

Benefits of Vitamin K For Human  - Vitamin K is a vitamin that is heat resistant but these vitamins will soon be damaged when exposed to acidic compounds, bases and sunlight. Vitamin K is included into vitamin which is insoluble in water but soluble vitamin is only into the fatty tissue and many are part stomach tissue in the human body. Vitamin K is required to activate prothrombin by carboxylation reaction force Glu at residue precursor protein. Glutamic acid which undergo carboxylation reaction will turn into acid gamma karboksiglutamat.

Benefits of Vitamin K
Illustration of Vitamin K

Vitamin K Has a very important role for our body because this vitamin provides approximately 80 nutrients needed by the body, one of which is mineral, antioxidants and much more. Vitamin K is very helpful to our bodies as well as vitamins B, one of the benefits is to aid in the absorption of calcium from food so this means that vitamin K is very helpful in the formation and maintenance of bones were good, not only the vitamin K they have many more benefits to our body were:Functions Vitamin K for Health Body

Controlling Blood Clotting
Because one of the functions of Vitamin K in the body which is to assist in the production of prothrombin, which is a plasma protein that is produced in the liver and converted into thrombin, which is essential for blood clotting, so if we are deficient in vitamin k, then we could bleed out when our body hurt.
Lowers Disease Risk of Osteoporosis
Vitamin K will help osteocalcin compound that plays a role in the absorption of minerals to form strong mineral structure. so as to reduce the risk of osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle and usually the mothers who are elderly afflicted by this disease, so as to avoid the disease is attacking us in old age we have to learn to eat foods that contain lots of Vitamin K this.
Prevent Excessive Calcium
in addition to fat that can harden, the veins can also be hardened with calcium buildup, the condition is known as calcification, and vitamin K has a function to prevent the calcification that will reduce the appearance of cardiovascular disease.
Treating Diabetes
According to the survey a renowned book Care.Vitamin Diabetes is included into vitamin K which is insoluble in water but soluble vitamin is only into the fatty tissue and many are part stomach tissue in the human body can reduce the risk of insulin resistance and thereby help fight diabetes. Through the same mechanism, vitamin K can slow the growth of cancer cells in the liver and lungs. 
Benefits of Vitamin K For Human If we want to have a healthy body and strong now and when we get older should consume lots of vegetables and fruits are healthy and also contains vitamin them namely vitamin K. We can get a source of vitamin K from green vegetables, such as spinach, katuk, cabbage , lettuce, and broccoli and fermented foods such as cheese, this cheese contains vitamin k which is quite a lot of it the fruit while you can consume kiwifruit and avocado.

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