We need to know that chocolate is actually not always have an adverse effect on health, on the contrary chocolate has many health benefits. In fact, dark chocolate contains many natural compounds offers a myriad of health benefits.
Rich in antioxidantsDark chocolate contains several antioxidant compounds such as those found in some grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Owned antioxidant content of chocolate can compete with blueberries and acai berry is the fruit with powerful antioxidants. Dark chocolate even beyond the antioxidant qualities possessed by red wine and green tea, we know that the two are the best sources of antioxidants.
Lowering Blood PressureDark chocolate has been proven through many studies are very effective at increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure, but the effect is still mild. Bioactive compounds in chocolate can improve blood flow in the arteries that can help lower blood pressure significantly. Besides chocolate also can provide cardiovascular benefits by helping the metabolism of nitric oxide, as described by Ori Hofmekler.
Increases Good Cholesterol (HDL)Heart disease can be avoided by eating dark chocolate regularly and orderly. In a research note cocoa powder can significantly lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and at the same time also increases HDL chocolate. It also dismissed the notion that chocolate can increase bad cholesterol that trigger heart disease.
Improving Microbial GoodWhen you consume dark chocolate can produce ant-inflammatory compound g. So as to prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the gut that can cause inflammation, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
Improve Brain FunctionAlmost the same with coffee chocolate also contains caffeine but in very small amounts. Due to its caffeine content of chocolate can stimulate the brain without causing headaches. The content of caffeine in chocolate is also much less that 27 mg of caffeine in two ounces of chocolate, while a cup of regular coffee contains 200 mg so that the chocolate is still safe for consumption.
Maintaining Heart HealthDark chocolate contains magnesium, vitamin E and copper, which has a protective effect against heart disease. Ensure adequate intake of magnesium may improve heart function and make the blood flow better, while the copper content in chocolate may help blood cells to receive oxygen.
Improves MoodDark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, a chemical in the brain that can improve mood. Dark chocolate also contains the chemical serotonin, which acts as an antidepressant.
Protect the skinOther benefits of chocolate that is able to protect the skin from UV exposure. Researchers in Germany found that flavonoids in dark brown is able to absorb UV light and helps protect and improve blood flow to the skin.
Preventing Cancer

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